I’m back. For now. It’s been quite a while since I’ve shared the inner workings of my brain with the world. That is not because I was “busy” or because I was not interested in writing. On the contrary, I transitioned a lot of my time and energy into the published posts on LinkedIn.
I missed writing about topics that I want to write about so I’ve decided I would come back here and publish work that helps me and all others that choose to read, improve a little bit, day by day.
It might be fitting that I’m writing this on one of the last days of the year or that I feel like I’m going through a very interesting time in my life. Nonetheless, Austin Kleon says it’s about showing up. That is the difference between those who ultimately become the person they want to be and those that let society dictate who they think they should be.
Confused yet? Don’t worry, we’re all confused. I think that is one of the biggest issues with our current outlook on things. We expect to have things all figured out. Truth is, no one has shit figured out. We’re all just as scared as the next person but we show up every day because life is a gift. We do what we can with what we have. I’ll be publishing a more personal post in the next coming days but for now, consider this the possible renaissance into my next step.
Remember – the brain is a muscle and if we don’t work it out, eventually, it will become flabby and useless.