It’s Not Important How We Got Here

For whatever reason, we are here. It would be foolish to wonder why and silly to waste time on it. The same way it would be crazy to look back at your life 10 years ago and wonder why you acted a certain way, it’s crazy to now ask this almost a daily question of why people cannot use logic and reason and think for themselves.

We’re a country that supposedly stands United yet many of the publicized displays of human behavior over the last few weeks exemplify anything but unity. In a time of panic and uncertainty our primal instincts take over and we protect ourselves. We don’t unite we divide. We don’t share in the time of need we’d much rather prefer isolation but when we’re given as much time to isolate as we would ever want – we then complain about it.

Why can no one access toilet paper and gun purchase background checks at an all-time high? Because we think about ourselves. It is a primal instinct and one that is ingrained in our DNA. It will not go away and we can only hope that we can build up enough self-awareness as individuals to be able to see what WE are doing when we do these things.

We love attention and dramatic fashion. We’d rather talk about how bad things are than how good things are. We’ve been given a new challenge to adapt to and yet find ourselves lost and confused with the new abundance of time. Are we using it to enhance ourselves and the ones around us? Are we wasting away in a Netflix series binging to pass the time until everything is over and we can return to the routine we so desperately hated before all of this?

There are pockets of unhappiness that are following us around no matter what the new normal looks like. If you don’t address it internally, you won’t be able to shine externally. It’s not only a mindset but a dependency. You should feel as if every minute is a gift that you need to extrapolate what you can.

Yet, we think we are isolated from things because we won a lottery ticket and grew up in a country that pretty much could offer us anything we want. Until it doesn’t. And when it doesn’t what do you do? Blame others or find a way out of it. We are here, it doesn’t matter how we got here. What matters is taking today and finding a way.