Cupid’s Out Of Arrows

For a while, my heart pen was broken.

I had much to say but not much to write. I found myself negating everything I wanted to put down on paper. Realizing I wasn’t helping anything or anyone. And yet I kept remembering those last few words…” you didn’t do anything.”

Years of love ended with one text that read…”can we chat?”

Truthfully, I saw it coming down the barrel from a mile away. I think I just lost my way. But day after day I found myself settling for less. Pouring my heart out and going above and beyond, literally and figuratively.

And in return?


But it’s normal to question everything when you’ve invested so much into someone for so long. Except, there was one key thing that was missing.

Finding yourself is one thing. Independence is something learned over time for sure. But if someone doesn’t ever come for you, doesn’t step up and ever say fuck it for you, then eventually you end up right where I am now.

All out of arrows.

We should all be so lucky.